11 Aug Nubbin Park Habitat Restoration with Audubon Dakota
This past spring Audubon Dakota teamed up with the Minot Park District to restore native grassland habitat at Nubbin Park. Planting native species will restore important ecological functions to the area and provide excellent habitat for birds and wildlife species, while also offering natural areas for the residents of Minot to enjoy.
Due to recent drought conditions, the project hasn’t thrived as expected. However, our restoration efforts are being closely monitored with North Dakota Native Landscapes to evaluate the status and future efforts needed through methods such as mowing and spot-spraying to reduce the presence of invasive species. Through this adaptive management, native plant species such as big bluestem, side-oats grama, blazing star, and long-headed coneflower will begin to establish and provide high-quality habitat for wildlife and pollinators. We appreciate everyone’s patience through the restoration process.