Welcome to Minot Parks, where our mission is to provide a diverse array of opportunities for the citizens of Minot and its visitors to enrich their quality of life through our parks and recreation offerings.
Current Partnership Opportunities
Why Partner With Minot Parks?
Platinum Opportunity:
For $3,000, your business can sponsor one of our premier events. With a platinum sponsorship, your company’s name and logo will be featured on all print media, digital marketing, digital billboards located on Broadway, radio ads, and event web page. As well as signage and booth opportunities at the event. Platinum Events attract between 3k – 5k attendees.
Gold Opportunity:
For $1,500, your business can sponsor one of our special events. With a gold sponsorship, your company’s name and logo will be featured on all print media, digital marketing, digital billboards located on Broadway, radio ads, and event web pages. As well as signage and booth opportunities at the event. Gold Events attract between 250 – 1,000 attendees.
Silver Opportunity:
Your business’s contribution of $800 will support our youth programming for the year 2025. Your sponsorship will include your company’s name and logo on the back of our recreation program t-shirts as well as also be acknowledged on our social media platforms throughout the season.
Bronze Opportunity:
Your business’s contribution of $500 will support our youth programming for the year 2025. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged on our social media platforms throughout the season.
Print Advertising Opportunity:
Feature your business in our 2025 Spring & Summer Recreation Guide!
This guide is distributed to every K–8 student in Minot through the school system and
available at Park District events and programs throughout the season.
Outside Back Cover 1/2 Page $1,000 price per year
Outside Back Cover 1/4 Page $500 price per year
Feature Ad 1/3 Page $400 price per year
Page Ad 1/4 Page $350 price per year
Page Ad 1/8 Page $250 price per year
More Questions?
Contact Bailey Gaspar or Nikki Seigfried at bailey@minotparks.com nicole.seigfreid@minotparks.com or call 701-857-4136.
Forms and Applications